Friday, December 16, 2011

Writing my next short story

My next short story is in progress. I'm still working on the title and cover art. Since I've already handed it to my Editor, I'm hoping to be out with it soon!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

If you haven't read 'The Final Colony' as yet....

It's a short story about the PXY whose interstellar travels carry them to the far-off Yezz star system. The Synopsis is included for you...."From the pen of brand-new author Lacerant Plainer, a science-fiction enthusiast and connoisseur, this is a story that is an homage to the finest traditions of science fiction writing. At first glance, the story is about intrepid and gallant space travelers, scary and incomprehensible aliens, and the challenge of navigating successfully in an unimaginably vast universe. At its heart, though, it is about the romance of space, the arrogance of ‘intelligent’ species, and the mystery of life. But over and above all this, it is a crackling good read". Do let me know what you think of it!..... link enclosed... LP.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Final Colony

Was fun writing this short story. Thank you everyone who made it possible. Special thanks to my family and my Editor!